пятница, 26 августа 2011 г.

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The preliminary results of this new study adds another year of experience, it appears that the benefits of diabetes education in the study population observed continued.

A year ago AADE first presented the results of the study, which was one of the first state with a statistical certainty that diabetes education in health care costs and improves health. The slots mama free slots download update of slots mama free slots download the study now shows that the current diabetes education will slots mama free slots download benefit from it after the first year, and it strengthens the argument for additional compensation from Medicare and private insurers for diabetes education.

Currently, Medicare pays for one hour of individual instruction and nine hours of group lessons in the first year and two hours of group education in subsequent years. In practice provide qualified diabetes educators people with diabetes and prediabetes, the essential tools to monitor for their diabetes under control, blood sugar levels, adopting healthy eating habits that with the right to exercise and manage specific diabetes-emotional slots mama free slots download and physical challenges. Qualified diabetes educators are state licensed and registered health care, typically nurses or advanced, dietitians, pharmacists and podiatrists. The study presented today slots mama free slots download another year of data that the initial assertion that increased diabetes education in general, reduced claims and increased compliance with medication.

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